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Newly Diagnosed?
Welcome to the Community!

You are not alone

We are a global community of patients, families, physicians, and researchers, working together to give all SDS patients more birthdays to celebrate.

Action cures fear

An SDS diagnosis brings with it lots of emotions and uncertainty. There is no targeted therapy for SDS, yet. We are working tirelessly to change that. It takes a village and you can make a difference.

Now what?

There are so many opportunities for you to make a difference for your loved-one with SDS and for the community. Check out these important steps to get started.

Share your experience to drive research

The SDS-GPS program is the only global patient registry that collects and structures data directly from those living with SDS (and related disorders) in order to accelerate research and therapy development and connect patients with research opportunities most relevant to them. Join today.

Connect with community

Connect with SDS patients and families who "get it" and have your back. Check out various connection opportunities, here.

Join our mailing list and follow us on social

Join our mailing list

Follow us on Facebook


Learn about SDS

Knowledge is power. Access all relevant information right here on our website. Being informed will help you be an effective partner with your healthcare team and be able to make informed decisions regarding care for yourself or your loved-one with SDS.

What is SDS?

The science behind SDS and the latest research advances

Resources for children

We developed age-appropriate educational materials for kids to learn about SDS, science, and coping skills.

Kids' Corner

Get your community involved in fundraising

One of the most impactful ways to raise awareness and advance research is to fundraise. Check out our resources here. Or, consider a one-time or monthly donation to keep our programs going and enable us to continue making an impact and get closer to therapies and cures.

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance Inc.



Phone: +1-617-329-1838

Mail: PO Box 2441, Woburn, MA 01888

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The Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Alliance (SDS Alliance) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building a world where Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a manageable condition and all patients and their families can thrive - through driving research and engaging in advocacy and education.


The SDS Alliance brings together patient families, researchers, clinicians, and other diverse stakeholders to better understand, diagnose, and treat this devastating cancer predisposition genetic disorder. The SDS Alliance was launched in 2020 by the parents of a child with SDS, who are biomedical researchers and entrepreneurs.


The SDS Alliance’s leadership and scientific & medical advisors are experienced clinicians and researchers focused on combining the patient-family perspective with solutions based on the best available scientific evidence.


Families from around the world are fundamental to accelerating the SDS Alliance’s mission to improve outcomes for all SDS patients, especially populations from diverse backgrounds who don’t have possible stem-cell donor matches. The SDS Alliance intentionally elevates the voices of individuals from diverse backgrounds, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and marginalized groups, as they bring critical insight and advance the SDS Alliance’s mission.

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